Charlotte Lit’s Blog

Welcome to Charlotte Lit’s literary arts blog. What you’ll find here: craft essays, book reviews, previews of literary arts events, and anything else that catches our attention.

How to be Kind to Your Reader: Some Thoughts on George Saunders

George Saunders is big on kindness. When I read the convocation speech he gave at Syracuse University, which is now available to us in a book, Congratulations, By The Way: Some Thoughts on Kindness, which I highly recommend, it got me wondering: if you write fiction, as Saunders does beautifully, is there such a thing […]

Terrestrial, Baby

What you say after making love to your wife can crash-and-burn a marriage—or save it. Count what I said last night as a crash-and-burn. We had just made love for the first time in a long time. We were just rolling around our bedroom, laughing like we had the whole world to roll around on. […]

Leaving Publishing for a Solo Career: One Woman’s Story

I remember seeing the notice in Publisher’s Weekly. A senior editor I knew at Hyperion had gone to work as a freelance editor, and her email address followed to get in contact with her. Poor woman, I thought, she’ll never get any work. No publisher I had ever worked for had a budget to assign out developmental […]

In the Litmosphere: What’s Coming Up for Readers & Writers

If you’re an avid reader like me, there’s nothing worse than finding out one of your favorite authors has visited recently, but you missed them.  Maybe their appearance wasn’t well advertised, or you were busy and didn’t have a chance to read any of the fifteen information streams where it was mentioned, or your best […]